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UCL Denys Holland Scholarships UK 2024

We are delighted to announce the Denys Holland Scholarship for the academic year 2024-2025, offering an exceptional opportunity for international students pursuing undergraduate studies at University College London (UCL). This partially funded scholarship, valued at £9,000 annually for three years, is designed to support students who demonstrate financial need and are committed to actively engaging in extracurricular activities at UCL and within the Students Union.
About the Scholarship
The Denys Holland Scholarship was established in memory of Professor Denys Holland, a former Dean of Students at UCL. This scholarship is granted based on financial circumstances, with applicants required to showcase their commitment to actively engaging in extracurricular pursuits at UCL and within the Students Union. Recipients may combine this scholarship with other forms of financial aid as long as the total annual funding doesn’t surpass the fees and a reasonable sum for living expenses, as determined by UCL.
The primary aim of the Denys Holland Scholarship is to assist undergraduate students from any country who lack adequate funding to attend UCL without this scholarship’s support. Successful applicants are expected to fully engage in the opportunities provided by UCL and the Student Union as part of their academic journey.
Gradsnivå og tilgjengelige emner
The Denys Holland Scholarship is available to undertake Undergraduate level programs at UCL London. The scholarship covers a diverse range of fields at the institution, gjelder også:

  • Arkitektur, intuitive brukergrensesnitt er basert på arbeidsbok som lar brukeren arbeide med komplekse økonomiske og ikke-finansielle data, and planning
  • Arts and Sciences
  • Biological and Life Sciences
  • Business and Management Studies
  • Computer Sciences
  • Økonomi, Politikk, og samfunnsvitenskap
  • utdanning
  • Ingeniørfag
  • English and Comparative Literature
  • Historical and Philosophical studies
  • Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Lov
  • Mathematics and statistics
  • Medicine and Allied Subjects
  • Physical Sciences
  • Psychology and Language Sciences


The Denys Holland Scholarship offers a sum of £9,000 annually for a duration of three years, contingent upon maintaining satisfactory academic performance.
Eligible Nationalities
This scholarship is open to international students of all nationalities.
To qualify for the Denys Holland Scholarship, applicants need to meet the following criteria:

  • Proficiency in English
  • Open to candidates from all countries worldwide
  • Possess a valid UCL Student Number or UCAS Application Number
  • Have received an offer of admission to UCL for full-time undergraduate studies starting in September 2024, across any department
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Showcase diverse interests and a commitment to actively engage and contribute to university life
  • Ideelt sett, være 25 years old or younger upon commencing their studies.

SøknadsprosedyreHere’s a guide on applying for the Denys Holland Scholarship:

  1. Obtain either a UCL Student Number or a UCAS Application Number.
  2. Access and download the application form.
  3. Craft a motivational letter outlining your current extracurricular interests and specifying the areas of non-academic engagement you aim to pursue during your time as a student.
  4. Include details regarding your financial situation and efforts made to secure funding for your studies.
  5. Complete the application form along with the necessary supporting documents.
  6. Submit the finalized applications and accompanying documentation via email to:

Applications for the year 2024-2025 will open soon. Keep checking the official website for more information and details. Vennligst merk: This post has been rewritten to avoid plagiarism and provide a more human tone. It is intended to provide valuable information about the Denys Holland Scholarship at UCL for the academic year 2024-2025.

Om Helen Bassey

Hei, I'm Helena, en bloggskribent som brenner for å legge ut innsiktsfullt innhold i utdanningsnisjen. Jeg tror at utdanning er nøkkelen til personlig og sosial utvikling, og jeg ønsker å dele min kunnskap og erfaring med elever i alle aldre og bakgrunner. På bloggen min, finner du artikler om emner som læringsstrategier, nettbasert utdanning, karriereveiledning, og mer. Jeg tar også gjerne imot tilbakemeldinger og forslag fra mine lesere, så legg gjerne igjen en kommentar eller kontakt meg når som helst. Jeg håper du liker å lese bloggen min og finner den nyttig og inspirerende.

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