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Visual Note Taking: How your notes become Notes of a Genius

Visual Note Taking: How your notes become Notes of a Genius

Price: $49.99

Get out your notebook, pen and markers and put a smile on your face! We going to have fun!

  • Did you know students taking notes by hand perform better?
  • Did you know that drawing or doodling during note taking can increase your concentration and focus?
  • Did you know that in fact we process visuals 60,000 times faster than text?

In this course you will learn how to make visual notes for better comprehension, laser focus, increase concentration (up to 29%) and memorize the information better (up to 80%)!

Besides that visual note taking is FUN doing!

How your notes become Notes Of A Genius

  • Learn the 8 brain principles for getting the maximum out of your brain regarding learning, comprehension and memorizing.
  • Be aware of the different styles of note taking and practice and choose what works for you.
  • You will learn how to get the best out of your visual notes on a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet.
  • Improve your handwriting by four simple techniques.
  • Learn the different structures for notes in meetings, class, training, workshop or seminar.
  • Apply the three easy techniques on handlettering to make your notes remarkable
  • Have fun by drawing visuals, banners add colors and spice your notes up.
  • You will learn to draw the four most used elements, for example people and places, to use in your own visual notes.
  • Maximize engagement with the information because you will review your notes quicker, more often and add an emotion.

Including bonus material for teachers and speakers to make the coolest flip charts!

Do you want to become a Genius? Check out the video: Rajeev Lahar will tell you how he became an aerospace engineer, serial entrepreneur and investor!

Don’t waste any more time on cramping your fingers while writing or typing as much as you can during listening. You can be so much more efficient.

About arkadmin

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