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Electrical Control for real Industrial Automatic System

Electrical Control for real Industrial Automatic System

Price: $89.99

Hi Our Friend!

  • Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation track and being able to design a complete project?

>> If your answer is big YES, then you’re definitely in the right place.

Why this course is Powerful and Unique ?

this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you – step by step – to understand how to be able to built a complete control system (calculation for each component , and designing power and control circuit for it).

At this course :

  • These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.

  • We’ll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing and Analysis.

  • We’ll design with each other a complete industrial system used in the practical life.

My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question as I believe we can learn from each other

This is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..

## So don’t hesitate and click “ Buy Now ” button so you can begin on the right path!

Who is the target audience?

  • Anyone who is interested in Understanding Control system.

  • Anyone who wants to know about electrical basics and How sensors work.

  • Electrical Engineering Students.

  • Anyone who wants to be familiar with Industrial Automation and Control.

  • Anyone understands control but can’t design a complete control system.

  • Anyone wants to learn about Automatic transfer switch and voltage monitoring relay.

  • Anyone who is interested in overloading and short-circuit protection.


About arkadmin

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