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Elon Musk Becomes The World’s Wealthiest Man

Elon Musk Becomes The World’s Wealthiest Man

Tesla’s co-founder Elon Musk overtakes Amazon’s Jeff Bezos as the World’s Richest Man after shares in the electric car company he co-founded soared on hopes that the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate would embark on a new “green” agenda.

Tesla’s 4.8% rise in its share price was enough to push Musk to the top of Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index, which tracks the daily fortunes of the world’s 500 richest people.

The 49-year-old entrepreneur’s net worth reached $186 billion (£136 billion) in New York at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, making him $1.5 billion richer than Bezos, who has held the top spot since October 2017.

Musk responded to the news of his status as the world’s richest man with tweets saying “how strange” and “well, back to work…”

Musk said he intends to use half of his fortune to “help solve problems on Earth” and “half to help create a self-sustaining city on Mars to ensure the continuation of life (of all species) in case a meteorite like the dinosaurs hits Earth or a third world war happens and we destroy ourselves.”

In a series of tweets that the South African-born billionaire pinned to the top of his timeline, Musk said the reason he wants a lot of money is “not what you think.” He said he has “very little vacation time” and doesn’t own “vacation homes or yachts or anything like that.”

It is less than two months since Musk, who helped found Tesla just 17 years ago, surpassed Microsoft founder Bill Gates to become the world’s second richest person.

Tesla’s share price has risen by more than sevenfold this year as demand for electric cars soared and government’s announced further measures to wean the world off internal combustion engines.

The market value of Tesla, which recently joined the S&P 500 index of the US’s biggest companies, exceeded $700bn (£516bn) for the first time this week. That makes the company worth more than Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai, GM and Ford combined.

Musk, who owns 20% of Tesla’s shares, was the 35th richest person in world at the start of 2020. He also owns the rocketship company SpaceX, which is transporting astronauts to the International Space Station in a deal with Nasa.

Last year Musk named his seventh child X Æ A-12. The baby’s mother, the Canadian singer Grimes (real name Claire Boucher) explained that the name referred to “artificial intelligence”, a long range reconnaissance aircraft and her favourite song Archangel. Neither parent was sure how to pronounce the name.

Analysts said Tesla’s value was buoyed by the Democratic victories in Georgia to take control of the US Senate, as it meant the US would probably introduce tax credits for electric vehicles and join the green agenda already set by many European countries.

Daniel Ives, an analyst at Wedbush Securities, said: “A blue Senate is very bullish and a potential ‘game changer’ for Tesla and the overall electric vehicle sector, with a more green-driven agenda now certainly in the cards for the next few years.”

Expected US electric vehicle tax credits would benefit Tesla, “which continues to have an iron grip on the market today”, he added.

Ives reckons Tesla’s shares could hit $1,000 in a “bull-case” scenario, if the company can hit 1m electric car deliveries by 2022.

Tesla was within a a whisker of achieving his target of half-million cars last year. The California-based manufacturer’s annual sales rose by 36% after a final quarter that exceeded analysts’ expectations despite the pandemic to deliver a total of 499,550 cars in 2020.

Musk’s wealth could soar higher as Tesla’s share price growth puts him on target for a bonus deal that could pay a record $55.8bn.

However, fears are mounting that share prices could be rising far above real values and the bubble may burst in spectacular fashion.


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