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NEW: Get Ahead With The 12 Most Sought After Soft Skills

NEW: Get Ahead With The 12 Most Sought After Soft Skills

Price: $79.99

In this course, Dr. Chris Bradshaw teaches you his popular Complete You Architecture™. More than 4.500 skill learners have already taken his courses on soft skills and it is now offered here on Udemy. Be among the first to take and rate it through Udemy.

This research-driven approach to building & strengthening soft skills is comprised of the 12 most important skills to your career. More importantly, you will learn how to link skills together and create skill structures such as leadership, strategic thinking, and decision making.

The Complete You Architecture™ focuses on helping you create a personal skill architecture across 3 domains: How You Think, How You Feel, and How You Act. As his research has proven, it takes more than a mindset to really stand out among your peers and perform at a higher level.

As you go through each section, you will learn the tips, steps, and techniques on “how to” start using and maturing skills such as: emotional intelligence, critical thinking, courage, resourcefulness, and many others. Unlike traditional skill courses that only teach you conceptual knowledge, this course gives you the procedural and meta-continuative knowledge that accelerates learning and your application of new soft skills.

Dr. Bradshaw is the Chief Innovation Officer at skill dweeb, a research & consultancy firm focused on the development of soft skills. In his career, he has been a Partner at a major consulting firm and has taught for multiple years at the collegiate level. Join Dr. Bradshaw and the dweeb community and get ahead in your career by learning, applying, and refining the soft skills that matter most to your success. Make sure to check back often. He is always adding new content to the course.

About arkadmin

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