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CompTIA Security+ Cert(SY0-501): Identity/Access Management

CompTIA Security+ Cert(SY0-501): Identity/Access Management

Price: $49.99

Composed from Sybex’s best review materials, this course is all you need to help you master one of the topics covered in CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) exam.

Whether if you are someone who is looking for the ‘last minute review’ or someone who is looking for an introduction to a topic, this course is perfect for you!

Our bite-sized lessons make it easy for the users to grasp the material quickly.

Exam Objectives covered in this course:

  • 2.2: Given a scenario, use appropriate software tools to assess the security posture of an organization

  • 2.3: Given a scenario, troubleshoot common security issues

  • 2.4: Given a scenario, analyze and interpret output from security technologies

  • 4.1: Compare and contrast identity and access management concepts

  • 4.2: Given a scenario, install and configure identity and access services

  • 4.3: Given a scenario, implement identity and access management controls

Topics Included in the course:

  • Tools to assess your networks

  • Troubleshooting

  • Access Management

    And many more!

About arkadmin

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