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Leadership In A Time of Change

Leadership In A Time of Change

Price: $89.99

Everyone is talking about – and going through – Change. From business leaders to start-up funders, from key educators to government leaders, community influencers to parenting advocates, navigating through change is or primary concern. Beyond “navigating,’ however, is a call to inspire and equip people to make change happen, and happen for good. Whether it’s for a thousand or one participant, a workshop series to both motivate and empower today’s change agents.

“Change is inevitable, growth is optional.” – Dr. John Maxwell.

Engage with media practitioner and “Chief Disturber” Anthony, learning and reflecting on why and how to grow your influence in a time of great change. Anthony holds an Executive Master in Business Administration from Tsinghua University in Beijing and INSEAD Business School based in Fontainebleau. He also holds an Executive Master in Change degree from INSEAD in Singapore. A former world president of AIESEC International, a finisher of the 6-world marathon majors and a father of five, Anthony is, indeed one lifelong learner in leading others, and yourself, amidst a changing and often chaotic environment.

About arkadmin

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