Is Perfect Vacuum Also Known As Nothingness?


Nothingness is the theory of the existence of nothing. The space between atoms or the space between an atom’s nucleus and its electron was thought to consist of nothing.

A perfect vacuum is a space with or without boundaries that contains no matter whatsoever, but it can contain radiation.

A perfect vacuum is viewed as space without particles at zero(0) kelvin, but still possessing energy due to the theoretical ground state as part of the scientific model that is associated with it.

A perfect vacuum is not exactly nothingness, as nothingness is like something not in existence or without any matter whatsoever.

Perfect Vacuum or Nothingness

A perfect vacuum, in our universe, is something, not nothing, and here is why?

Think of the perfect vacuum as the mind, as long as the mind exists, it will create something that can be explored or studied.

If you have ever experienced a loss of consciousness, this is the closest thing to “nothingness” we can get to, regaining consciousness gradually is like a perfect vacuum, it is nothing with something.

We could say it in terms of physics, even though this “nothingness” may be empty.

It is actually a metaphysical term, not anything else, and can be related to the absence of consciousness.

The term “vacuum” means only the absence of atoms in a given volume of space; it does not mean that there are no fields there. Fields are everywhere, and they have energy, this energy pushes objects, heats them, etc.

A perfect vacuum means only the absence of atoms, but not the absence of energy. The word “nothingness” implies just that the absence of anything, and this state is imaginary; in reality, no such place exists.

Is The Universe A Perfect Vacuum

The universe is defined as the totality of all things. It is the totality of time, space, matter, and energy that began to expand about 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since.

It includes all existing matter and space, considered as one whole – the cosmos. It is now clear that the universe is not a vacuum.

However, there are huge empty spaces between stars and galaxies — interstellar space, which is commonly referred to as “the vacuum.”

You probably want to know if this space is a perfect vacuum. One of the reasons scientists call space a “vacuum” is that the amount of matter in space is insignificant.

You probably know that the observable universe is about 92 billion light-years across, and most of the mass in the universe is missing.

Yes, all the galaxies, stars, planets, and everything else you can see today make up only 4% of the universe. The other 96% consists of what astronomers cannot see, detect, or even comprehend.

But space is not empty. In other words, even though the universe and everything in it is mostly empty, a perfect vacuum cannot exist in nature.

Fluctuations of quark and gluon fields, as well as other types of cosmic radiation, permeate what we consider empty space.

In addition, space is filled with tiny particles called cosmic dust and elements such as hydrogen and helium, which make up the “interstellar medium.” The actual density of hydrogen in interstellar space averages about 1 atom per cubic centimeter, increasing to 1000 atoms per cubic centimeter near the denser galactic core.

There is no perfect vacuum in the universe. Indeed, in order for space to appear empty, it must be imaginary.

The best scientific model we have, represented by quantum field theory, predicts that the energy of empty space is on the order of 10107.

This number is much higher than the energy in the observable universe! However, when we actually measure energy in the vacuum, it turns out to be a tiny but non-zero number.


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