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Microsoft Office 2016 Suite of Applications

Microsoft Office 2016 Suite of Applications

Price: Free

Microsoft Office 2016 Suite of Applications is a series of programs starting with ‘An Overview,’ this then will be followed by Essentials of 2016 versions of Word , Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, One Note, etc.

Whether you are a complete beginner or a user of the older versions of Microsoft Office, these program will help you understand the 2016 version and by the end of the program you will be able to perform the basic tasks. If you are using Office 2010 or 2013 you can skip the Microsoft Office 2016 Overview and go directly to any program of your choice.

The ‘Overview’ will start with the introduction to Microsoft Office 2016 suite of applications followed by the requirements for Microsoft Office 2016 in terms of hardware and software, it will show how to install Office or how to get free access, how to start an application and what are the different document types and how to use the SkyDrive.

After that you are going to learn, how to create, open, save and close an application like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc., how to work with the ribbon, the quick access toolbar and the new Backstage View. We will also see the online version of Office and the OneDrive.


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