Azure SQL Server for Beginners part 2 of 2
Price: $19.99
When the student has completed the following course ‘Azure SQL Server for Beginners part 1 of 2’ and has completed the subject matter such what is azure SQL databases, option for selecting the best model to fit your company needs, pricing tiers, resource consumption models, securing your azure database, migrating your database and virtual machines from on premises to azure cloud, migration options, firewall rules, setting up disaster recovery modes, Geo replicating your servers and databases across the globe; we will continue to learn in Azure part 2, such subjects as security, firewall rules, auditing databases, monitoring databases, examining performance metrics of databases, creating HA solution such as always on, creating elastic jobs, and setting up linked servers and much more. The student will get first hand exposure to a technology that is revolutionizing the way the SQL dba performs his job. With this knowledge, the SQL dba is positioning himself/herself at the front line with market being so competitive. Getting hands on knowledge on how to manage and migrate database from your on-premises to the azure cloud is a demanding field that every SQL dba needs to know. Having this experience in azure cloud technology will enable the student to not only work on azure platform, but will give him the opportunity to see the working of other cloud technologies such as AWS;
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