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McCall MacBain Scholarships 2024-2025 in Canada

Discover the McCall MacBain Scholarships 2025 for Canadian and international students, offering a fully-funded opportunity to pursue a master’s or second-entry professional undergraduate degree at McGill University. With a generous stipend, relocation assistance, and enrichment opportunities, this scholarship is more than financial aid—it’s a community of purpose-driven leaders.

Degree Level & Eligible Programs Applicants must plan to enrol in a full-time master’s or second-entry professional undergraduate program at McGill University for the Summer/Fall 2025 term, with a minimum of 45 credits and conducted primarily on the downtown or Macdonald campuses. Eligible programs include:

  • Master’s Degrees: MA, MArch, MATL, MBA, MEd, MEng, MISt, MM, MMus, MPP, MSc, MScA, MScAPT, MScAOT, MSW, MUP, LLM, STM
  • Second-Entry Professional Undergraduate Degrees: BCL/JD, DMD, MDCM

The McCall MacBain Scholarships do not cover graduate certificates, executive master’s programs (EMBA, IMHL), PhDs, or joint degree programs. Students in qualifying-year programs can apply at the beginning of their qualifying year for the master’s degree at McGill.

Scholarship Benefits

The McCall MacBain Scholarship includes:

  • Full tuition and fees for the standard duration of the master’s or professional program
  • A monthly living stipend of $2,000 during academic terms
  • A one-time grant for relocation upon moving to Montréal
  • Funding of up to $5,000 for enriching summer experiences for scholars not engaged in academic terms

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the McCall MacBain Scholarship in Canada for the 2025 academic year, applicants must:

  • Be Canadian or U.S. citizens or international students
  • Be under 30 years old at the time of application
  • Be current students on track to earn their first bachelor’s degree by August 2025
  • Have earned their first bachelor’s degree within the last five years (from January 2019 onwards) or be 30 years or younger in the year 2024 if the first bachelor’s degree was obtained more than five years ago
  • Pass an English proficiency test and have a thesis in French for higher chances of enrollment

How to Apply

To apply for the McCall MacBain Scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year in Canada, follow these steps:

  1. Access the online application portal.
  2. Create a personal account.
  3. Complete the application form accurately and thoroughly.
  4. Upload required documents, including academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a resume or curriculum vitae, a personal statement, and any other requested materials.
  5. Review and submit the application.

Application Deadline

Canadian and U.S. nationals must submit their applications before September 25, 2024, while nationals of other countries must submit their applications before August 21, 2024. Join the McCall MacBain Scholarship community and embark on a transformative journey towards a master’s or professional undergraduate degree at McGill University. Apply today and take the first step towards becoming a purpose-driven leader.

About Helen Bassey

Hi, I'm Helena, a blog writer who is passionate about posting insightful contents in the education niche. I believe that education is the key to personal and social development, and I want to share my knowledge and experience with learners of all ages and backgrounds. On my blog, you will find articles on topics such as learning strategies, online education, career guidance, and more. I also welcome feedback and suggestions from my readers, so feel free to leave a comment or contact me anytime. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and find it useful and inspiring.

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