Archimedes did not use mirrors to burn up the Roman invaders' ships. This myth claims that by focusing the sun's rays, Archimedes' mirrors raised the temperature of the ships enough that they caught fire. While a concave mirror held in ...

The decay half-life of a radioactive material can be changed. Radioactive decay happens when an unstable atomic nucleus spontaneously changes to a lower-energy state and spits out a bit of radiation. This process changes the atom to a different element ...

At first thought, you may think that the human rider is what keeps a bicycle balanced. This ends up not being completely true. If launched properly, a modern bike with no rider balances itself just fine and continues on its ...

If used in a certain way, metal can indeed act as a good heat shield. At the same time, if metal is used in a different way, it can act as a good heat sink, which is the opposite of ...

Radio antennas can emit visible light, but probably not in the way that you're thinking. If you pump enough energy into a radio antenna, you can heat it up until it glows and emits visible light through the process of ...