Рressure аnd temрerаture. The соmbinаtiоn оf рressure аnd temрerаture аllоws wаter tо exist in а liquid stаte. Nоte thаt the рressure аxis (vertiсаl) is lоgаrithmiс. Thаt is, every big steр uр is а tenfоld inсreаse in рressure. А рlаnet with suсh ...

Mars is believed not to have plate tectonics, because after its formation, the planet was a sizzling mass of molten rock that cooled over time to form a fixed crust around a rocky mantle, but it is not known how ...

According to all current observations, there is no center to the universe. For a center point to exist, that point would have to somehow be special with respect to the universe as a whole. Let us think about all the ...

According to the findings of mainstream science, aliens have never visited the earth. Despite the whimsical fantasies of fictional works and the confusion of supposed eye-witnesses, there is no credible scientific evidence that aliens have ever visited the earth. Aliens ...

All of earth's oxygen does not come from trees. Rather, the atmospheric oxygen that we depend on as humans comes predominantly from the ocean. According to National Geographic, about 70% of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from marine plants ...