How can one successfully start and run a poultry farm?


As poultry farming has already established to be remunerative business, thus you’ll be willing to start out a farm for your new supply of financial gain. In broad, poultry farming means that raising numerous forms of domestic birds commercially for the aim of meat, eggs and feather production. However here we have a tendency to square measure describing poultry farming for beginners guide concerning chickens. Chicken’s product square measure among the key supply of livestock, except for beef, pork and fish. And chickens square measure already associate integral a part of human life. little scale poultry production fulfill the animal nutrition demand for a family. however giant scale or business basis poultry farming provide a chance for the folks to earn massive quantity of cash. That’s why there square measure several poultry farms out there.

Poultry farming may be a appropriate business for the people that square measure keen about stock farming, keeping birds and World Health Organization square measure snug with farm life. Poultry farming may be a extremely profitable business if you’ll run it properly underneath acceptable strategies and conditions tributary for the birds.

Your poultry farm business will thrive if you are taking right steps from the start. decide right poultry sector that you just have an interest in, select the sort of birds you would like to rear, notice an ideal location for your farm, get ample funds, rent a manager and workers, and market your product.

Choose Your Poultry Sector

Poultry farming may be a wide trade. Basically, there square measure 2 forms of the farming you’ll select from – broilers and layers. Broilers square measure chicken that you just raise for meat. Layers square measure chicken that you just raise for eggs. Then, there’s the business of incubating eggs and raising chicks.

Many chicken farms do business in multiple sectors. So, decide if need|you would like|you wish} to control all told sectors otherwise you want to limit your business to simply one or 2 sectors of your selection specially within the starting.

Following square measure the niches you’ll select from.

  • Meat production (Broilers breeding)
  • Egg production (Layers breeding)
  • Poultry feed production
  • Chicken breeding (Hatchery)
  • Egg and meat process


Choose the sort Of Bird

Poultry farm homeowners rear many varieties of birds. Your little poultry farm could begin by specializing in 2 to 3 birds then embody a lot of birds later because the business grows. Mostly, poultry farms raise birds like gallinaceous bird or chicken as broilers and layers, duck, goose, quail, fowl, turkey, pigeon, and peacock.

You should conjointly verify whether or not to rear broilers or layers. this is often essentially the selection to start out farming for meat production or egg production.

Set Farm Location

You should think about setting your poultry farm at the foremost applicable location. it’s necessary that the placement has all the required facilities. attempt to build your poultry farm a bit off from the city in order that you’ll have the land and labor at a less expensive value.

However, putting in the farm too far from the closest city are a blunder. bear in mind that you just ought to approach a city a lot of usually to focus on your customers. Moreover, a location too off from town could value you a lot of on transportation.

Construct House

After choosing farm location, construct a decent house for your birds. guarantee all needed facilities square measure out there within the new house. There square measure 3 forms of poultry housing system you’ll use. Extensive, semi intensive and intensive. For business production, intensive system is most convenient. you’ll raise your birds in floor or in cage system. On a median, broiler poultry desires concerning a pair of.5 sq. feet area and layer poultry needs four sq. feet area. as an example, if you would like to lift two hundred layers then you’ve got to make sure concerning 800 sq. feet area is offered. concerning four sq. feet area is needed per bird in cage system. Don’t forget to feature correct lighting and ventilating system within the house.


Purchase Items needed

You need to buy some instrumentation for your poultry farm. List of needed instrumentation square measure listed below for running a poultry farm with success.

 Feeders

 Drinkers

 Nests

 Cages

 Coops

 Crates

 Incubator

 Egg tray

 Lighting instruments

 Perches

 Brooders or heaters

 Ventilation system

 Waste disposal system


Labor or hands

Based on the quantity of birds, you would like a lot of or less manpower/labor. As a beginner, if you begin with a minimum range of birds (200-500) then you’ll manage your farm by yourself simply. If you intend for raising a lot of birds then you may want extra hands. guarantee low-cost labor is offered in your selected space.

Purchasing Chicks

After setting everything up and having everything prepared, purchase quality chicks from trustworthy stock breeder in your space and begin caring them. Set the setup prepared before incoming the chicks from breeding house to your farm. As a beginner, it’s knowing begin with day recent chicks rather than older chicks. If you’re an entire beginner with none previous expertise, keep the quantity of chicks to minimum (anyhow no more than 500).



Feeding is that the most significant a part of poultry farming business. once constructing house and buying instrumentation and chicks, you’ve got to pay an outsized quantity of cash for feeding your birds. concerning seventieth of your total project expenses can go towards the feeding. {and the|and therefore the|and conjointly the} success within the business also depends on quality and adequate feeding. you’ll purchase the feed ingredients from the market and prepare the feed by yourself or purchase ready-made poultry feeds from the market. differing kinds of business poultry feeds square measure out there within the marketplace for every style of birds.

In addition to correct feeding, poultry birds want a neat and healthy atmosphere to thrive, as they’re liable to communicable diseases.

Poultry business is arguably one amongst the foremost viable and remunerative farm businesses. however lack of correct management may end up in total loss.

According to agricultural studies, poultry birds need energy to grow well. And in different for them to induce this required energy, extremely nutritive poultry feed should be provided for them.


Health Management

As we’ve mentioned on top of, you’ve got to make sure correct medication system in your space. Poultry birds square measure liable to numerous forms of diseases and you’ve got to be prepared for dominant them. we all know ‘prevention is healthier than cure’, thus you’ve got to be acutely aware and take correct care of your birds to stay them safe. shoot them timely and continually attempt to offer them H2O and food. conjointly stock some needed immunogen and medication in order that you’ll use them once required.



Good promoting ways influence the make the most of your business. If you’ll sell your product within the market simply, then it’ll encourage you in obtaining a lot of production. we have a tendency to continually suggest determinant promoting facilities in your space before beginning any farming business. as a result of your business won’t be a lot of profitable if you can’t market your product properly.

You meet many folks on usual. Tell them concerning your plans to start out your own poultry business. begin from lecture your friends and neighbors. Visit events associated with poultry farming and take a look at to create friends with as many folks as you’ll. you’ll meet a number of your potential shoppers. build all of them tuned in to your farming plans and take their recommendation.

When you contact folks and shoppers, gift your card to them. this is often knowledgeable thanks to introduce your business. the cardboard offers them your contact details like your sign, fax number, and web site address. {they can|they’re going to|they’ll} keep your card and plenty of of them will contact you whenever they have your poultry product.

Most of your potential shoppers search and search poultry product on-line. If your shoppers square measure trying to find poultry farms around a city, they’re going to 1st use search engines to find such businesses. If your farm isn’t on the net, you’re missing on a inordinateness of business opportunities. Therefore, build it some extent to own a fervent web site for your poultry business.


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