What is the Elevation Angle of the Sun at the Lunar Poles?
If you’re wondering what is the angle of the Sun at the lunar poles, you’ve come to the right place. The angle from horizon to horizon is exactly 180 degrees. If you’re wondering how much tilt the moon is experiencing at the poles, 180 degrees of tilt is equal to 1.5 degrees of elevation angle from the subsolar point. Interestingly enough, this angle is not significant.
Elevation Angles of Sun at Lunar Poles
From horizon to horizon is an angle of 180o
The angles from horizon to horizon are often referred to as the celestial equator. When it is located at the bottom of the sky, the equator is at zero degrees and when it is at the top of the sky, it will be at a 90-degree angle. Similarly, if the star is located at the top of the sky, its altitude will be 90 degrees, while if it is at the north horizon, it will have an angle of 180o.
From side to side is an angle of 180o
An angle of 180 degrees is defined as the intersection of two lines. A straight line, AB, meets a parallel line, CD, and the angle formed by the intersection is 180 degrees. Lines AB and CD have a common point O and intersect at A. This form is called a right angle, and is also known as a perpendicular line. From side to side is an angle of 180 degrees.
From impact crater to permanently shadowed region is an angle of 180o
Considering the fact that the transition from an impact crater to a permanently shadowed region is 180o, this is a fairly significant angle. One example of a permanently shadowed crater is the Erlanger crater. The orbiter O’Callaghan’s observation of the permanently shadowed crater on Mars is also significant.
From subsolar point to subsolar point is an angle of 180o
The subsolar point is the closest part of the Earth’s surface to the Sun. At this location, the angle between the sun and local horizontal level is 90 degrees. This makes the sun appear overhead on Earth and its rays strike the planet perpendicular to its surface. A subsolar point can also be the closest part of an astronomical object to the Sun.
From celestial equator to subsolar point is an angle of 180o
The celestial equator is the plane through which the Sun crosses the Earth. The equator does not incline toward the Sun, so the subsolar point always lies on the equator. This point moves north and south with the equinoxes, passing through the due east and due west points of the Earth.
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