What is the eligibilty criteria to be a WWE superstar?
If you are interested in becoming a WWE Superstar, you must have at least 3-5 years of professional wrestling experience.
You may then send a resume, pictures and a videotape of your work to:
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.
Attention: Talent Relations
1241 East Main Street
Stamford, CT 06902
There are some WWE Superstars who go straight to NXT (their developmental system), but most of them are athletes (American football) with superhuman physiques. Big E and Roman Reigns come to mind here.
To get 3-5 years of experience you’re going to want to attend a professional wrestling school. The best one out there is in Calgary, Alberta Canada and is run by former WWE/WCW/ECW veteran Lance Storm (Storm Wrestling Academy). There are other schools, but Lance Storm’s has the best reputation and while not directly affiliated with WWE, has had a good track record of getting contracts for performers.
One thing that I will caution you about if you really want to become a professional wrestler is that you’d better love it. Listen to some podcasts like Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling (basically WTF with Marc Maron but w/ pro wrestling) and hear the stories of how prominent figures in the industry “came up”. Their stories are often filled with injury, struggle, substance problems, and other hardships on the independent circuit. Expect a lot of time in the car, and if you’re lucky, hotel rooms. Some indy wrestlers I’ve spoken to often mention that they will stay with local wrestlers when they are on the road, or fans will put them up from time to time.
Breaking in to the business is the toughest part. Getting bookings and making money enough money to stay solvent is pretty difficult even for skilled wrestlers with lots of experience. You need to network with wrestlers at shows to make connections. Tied in with the independent scene, there are various organisations that will employ wrestlers. Ring of Honor (ROH), New Japan (NJPW), and All Japan (AJPW) are the most prominent, and unique in that they allow wrestlers to perform with other organisations in the form of a talent share while a company like WWE or TNA wouldn’t share talent.
The hardest part of the whole thing is, even if you go on to get in shape, get trained, and even get to the level of NJPW (itself a great achievement in the wrestling business, with arguably better quality of life than WWE) making the jump to the WWE is built on the fickleness of the wrestling business. While Japanese promotions and ROH treat their companies are more of a sport atmosphere, the craziness that is WWE is still dominated by an out of touch billionaire who lost his edge about 12 years ago (Vince McMahon). Vince is known for preferring guys with size* who can fit the WWE style of profess—- I mean “sports entertainment” with long scripted promos and what can at least be termed a “lack of solid creative direction”.
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