A Guide To Help Your Company Create An Appealing Press Release
Companies that rely on traditional public relations strategies are at risk of falling behind their competition. Today, people have multiple options concerning where, when, and how they receive information. Due to the changing times, public relations currently involves providing content in a way that best reaches your customers and prospects. Here is a guide to help your company improve its public relations strategies so that you can connect with your audience in a more meaningful way.
Press Release Explained
A press release is an announcement that a company issues to different media outlets. The first paragraph of the press release should explain the subject matter. Most companies try to keep the length of their press releases at a page long. Companies want to ensure that media outlets have an understanding of the topic so that the media can publish their own stories. Press releases are public so that the company’s client base can view it. From that perspective, press releases are a valuable form of marketing content.
Press Release Options
Many companies use video press releases to announce acquisitions. Companies can announce important information within a few minutes. Video press releases also allow viewers to scan through the video and find the information in which they are most interested. Reporters also can transfer the news content easily to their site.
Product Launches
Companies use press releases to announce the launch of new products. The press releases will often go into detail about the product’s price and features. In order to supplement the information in the press release, many companies are adding colors and shapes to appeal to their customers who prefer a visual aid.
Guidelines To Follow
Choose An Appealing Headline
To create a great press release, you need an appealing headline. Try to use clear and concise language and action verbs. Make sure that your headline is simple.
Make The Press Aware Of The Value
Make sure that your press release gives the media a clear idea of why it is important. Media reporters do not have a lot of time to read through every detail of a press release. Reporters are simply looking for the facts to help them explain your story to someone else.
Provide Background Information
Make sure that your press release is concise. Add strong details such as the different steps that your company took to reach the announcement. You should also talk about how the announcement impacts the future.
One Defining Quote
Try to include a quote in your press release that reporters can use as the basis for your announcement. The quote should also explain how the announcement impacts your customers and the future of the industry. The notable quotes in your press release should come from important decision-makers in the company.
Reach Out
Instead of contacting every journalist, locate a few journalists who have experience covering your company and send them custom messages. They can help your company potentially reach new customers by sharing your content through unique forms of press release distribution.
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