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AZ-500: Azure Security Technologies Certification Course

AZ-500: Azure Security Technologies Certification Course

Price: $19.99

AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies course is designed for Microsoft Azure security engineers who implement security controls, maintain the security posture, manages identity and access, and protects data, applications, and networks. After taking this Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Microsoft AZ-500 certification course candidates will identify and remediation vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools, implements threat protection, and responds to security incident escalations.

Here’s a high level list of all the skills and objectives measured by the Microsoft AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification exam. The percentages next to each exam objective area represents the portion of the exam that focuses on that particular objective area.

Manage Identity and Access (20-25%)

  • Configure Microsoft Azure Active Directory for workloads

  • Configure Microsoft Azure AD Privileged Identity Management

  • Configure Microsoft Azure tenant security

Implement Platform Protection (35-40%)

  • Implement network security

  • Implement host security

  • Configure container security

  • Implement Microsoft Azure Resource management security

Manage Security Operations (15-20%)

  • Configure security services

  • Configure security policies

  • Manage security alerts

Secure Data and Applications (30-35%)

  • Configure security policies to manage data

  • Configure security for data infrastructure

  • Configure encryption for data at rest

  • Implement security for application delivery

  • Configure application security

  • Configure and manage Key Vault

I have prepared this course to help you gain essential skills as Azure Security Engineer and become expert in Azure security technologies.

After the completion of this Azure Security course, I am pretty sure you will be able to pass the exam and acquire the required skills which will help you to land a New job or get a Growth In Career !

About arkadmin

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