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Master Internet Of Things using RaspberryPi 3 and MS Azure

Master Internet Of Things using RaspberryPi 3 and MS Azure

Price: $19.99

ROOMAN TECHNOLOGIES has framed a spectacular course on IoT keeping beginners in mind. We help you learn IoT from scratch and eventually propel you towards IoT development. You learn things by doing things rather than hearing things- yes, bulk amount of our course is practical oriented – 80% hands on tutorial. Enroll today, let’s learn IoT in a easy and simple way possible.

Our course details:

— Introduction to IoT

Module 1: Introduction to development boards

Topic 1: Raspberry pi 3 detailed study

Topic 2: Understanding PWM (Hands on)

Topic 3: Hello Arduino

Module 2: Protocols

Topic 1: Introduction to protocols

Topic 2: Data exchange protocols( MQTT & COAP)

Topic 3: Sub1 GHZ

Topic 4: 5G

Module 3: Platforms

Topic 1: IoT platforms

Topic 2: Commercial platforms ( Azure, AWS)

Topic 3 : Microsoft Azure architecture

Topic 4: Introduction to open source platforms

Module 4: Basic electronics

Module 5: Time for HANDS ON!

Topic 1: Decoding Raspberry pi

Topic 2: Installing Raspbian OS.

Topic 3: Hands on experience in a open source platform.

Topic 4: Simple programming on raspberry pi and open source platform.

Topic 5: WiringPi installation

Topic 6: LED control – practical experiment

Topic 7: LED control using mobile app – Task assignment

Topic 8: Weather forecasting using sensors and open source platform

Module 6: Microsoft AZURE – Hands on

Topic 1: Getting started with Azure IoT

Topic 2: Generating device credentials

Topic 3: Read device to cloud messages

Topic 4: Running simulated device app

Topic 5: Azure storage account

Topic 6: PowerBI

Topic 7: Designing a vote count machine with azure.


About arkadmin

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