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Microsoft 98-364, Microsoft 98-365, Microsoft 98-366

Microsoft 98-364, Microsoft 98-365, Microsoft 98-366

Price: $94.99

This is a expert level practice test course, in which I have provided 50-50 questions on 3 different IT certifications by Microsoft.

The first practice test contains 50 questions based on Database Fundamentals, which will be helpful for students who wish to get certified from the Microsoft in the MTA Examination : 98-364 Database Fundamentals Examination.

The first practice test contains 50 questions based on Windows Server Administration Fundamentals, which will be helpful for students who wish to get certified from the Microsoft in the MTA Examination : 98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals Examination.

The first practice test contains 50 questions based on Networking Fundamentals, which will be helpful for students who wish to get certified from the Microsoft in the MTA Examination : 98-364 Networking Fundamentals Examination.

This is just a series of practice test which can test your knowledge and skill.


About arkadmin

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