Knickers and pants and briefs and boxers, oh my! What do these words mean? If you’ve ever wondered why the British call underwear “knickers,” you’re not alone. The word “knickers” dates back to the 1800s when ...

Sharks have amazing detecting systems, which allow them to detect blood in water at great depths. Scientists have found that the scent of blood attracts sharks. The findings were made following experiments done with sharks and ...

The UEFA Champions League is the most prestigious club tournament in the world. The competition is organized by UEFA, which has been doing this for over 50 years. Many people believe that six English teams should ...

Tornadoes are a common occurrence in the United States and very few people know why they happen so frequently. There are many theories, but science has not been able to provide an answer yet. Why do ...

The stem of a plant is composed of bundles of xylem tissue that transport water and nutrients to the leaves. The xylem bundles are found in the stem, root and leaf. Xylem bundles are present both ...

Cheetahs are fast and agile. They are one of the few predators that can keep up with their prey and chase them down. These amazing creatures have a reputation for chasing their prey until they can ...