Electric current is seen as a flow of positive charges from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. This choice of direction is purely conditional. When electric current was earlier discovered, way back before anyone knew about electrons. Benjamin Franklin, an American ...

Соmрtоn effect is оf раrаmоunt imроrtаnсe fоr rаdiоbiоlоgy, аs it is the mоst likely interасtiоn оf high energy gаmmа rаys аnd X-rаys with аtоms in living оrgаnisms аnd is used in rаdiаtiоn therарy.[4] In mаteriаls рhysiсs, Соmрtоn effect саn be used ...

Light соnsists оf рhоtоns, аnd when this рhоtоns соllide with the surfасe оf аn оbjeсt, they trаnsmit mоmentum. Tо the questiоn, Yes! Light саn mоve оr рush аn оbjeсt beсаuse рhоtоns trаnsfer their mоmentum tо the surfасe they соme intо соntасt ...

The WHO (World Health Organization) states that turbidity (suspended solids) should not be above 5 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and ideally should be below 1 NTU. Turbidity means clarity of water, low turbidity means the water is clean and free of ...

Rodents, such as rats, are associated with a number of health problems. Rats are known to spread more than 35 diseases. These diseases can be transmitted directly to humans by contact with live or dead rats, by contact with rat faeces, ...

Bioluminescence and fluorescence are scientific phenomena concerned with emission of light, Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism. It is a kind of chemiluminescence. Bioluminescence is prevalent in marine vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as in ...

Of course, although with some complexity to it, flora simply means plants, flowers and relatively fungus growing at a specific time or era. Plants are very adaptive to many conditions as they need to be as they are not mobile. That been ...

Light switches do not need a neutral wire. The electrical box in which a light switch was installed did not usually have a neutral wire. However, In the United States, the National Electrical Code has required that the neutral wire ...

Twenty-three-time Grand Slam champion Serena Williams has confirmed that she will miss the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Speaking to reporters the day before the 2021 Wimbledon Championships, Williams said on Sunday, "I'm not actually on the Olympic list ... as far as I ...

Postpartum depression usually occurs in female dogs after puppies are born. Depression can occur quickly or last for several weeks. Depression in dogs is not very different from depression in humans. Dogs become withdrawn. They become inactive. Their eating and sleeping ...

Nothingness is the theory of the existence of nothing. The space between atoms or the space between an atom's nucleus and its electron was thought to consist of nothing. A perfect vacuum is a space with or without boundaries that contains ...