The Olympic swimming pool has lifeguards, just in case a swimmer needs to be rescued from drowning or relieved from injuries and cramps. In a pool full of the world's most elite swimmers, you wouldn't think lifeguards are necessary. And yet, ...

A surge protector (or surge suppressor or surge converter) is a tool or equipment designed to shield electrical gadgets from voltage surges. A surge protector attempts to limit the voltage implemented to an electrical device by blocking off or grounding any ...

Generally, receiving basic veterinary care, including vaccinations, health screenings, and microchipping, is a sign that a breeder cares about the health and well-being of his puppies. These factors alone are not indicators of a reputable breeder, but every reputable breeder should ...

The hiccup is a common occurrence after drinking soda. Some people can drink a lot of soda without experiencing the hiccup, while others may get a single hiccup. There are many theories about why this happens, ...

Most carbonated drinks consist mostly of water, so drinking sodas hydrates the body. However, some carbonated drinks can lead to dehydration if you are not careful (depending on how much caffeine they contain). Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it causes the ...

Have you ever wondered what is the science behind a burning candle, or imagine what is happening as you light a candle, well it is simple energy is simply being transformed to give you light. In this article, we would ...

Аshley Bаrty is аn Аustrаliаn рrоfessiоnаl tennis рlаyer аnd fоrmer сriсketer. She is listed as the world's best player by the Women Tennis Association аnd is Аustrаliа's seсоnd Nо. 1 singles рlаyer by the WTА аfter nаtive Аvоnne Gulаgоng Соwley. Why ...

There are a lot of real situations involving quadratics and parabolas. Throwing a ball, shooting a cannon, diving off a platform, and hitting a golf ball are all examples of situations that can be simulated using quadratic functions. The quadratic equation ...

A drupe or stone fruit is an unopened fruit. it has an exocarp (outer fleshy part) surrounding a pit of hard endocarp with a seed inside.

Snails have a long, moist and, of course, mucous-like body. They are gastropod mollusks; "gastro" means stomach and "pod" means leg. The snail's mouth is located at one end of its "leg" (the snail's body). Mucus is produced by a special ...

Mars is believed not to have plate tectonics, because after its formation, the planet was a sizzling mass of molten rock that cooled over time to form a fixed crust around a rocky mantle, but it is not known how ...

You ever wondered why you made a whistle at your dog or to yourself and for some reason, your dog just get attracted and walks straight to you. Well it's simple, that is because your dog's instincts tells it to come ...