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Power BI for Data Visualization and Analysis

Power BI for Data Visualization and Analysis

Price: $34.99

In today’s world, businesses are capturing huge data from various business activities. One can discover lots of precious information, patterns for making effective decisions from this data if you have right tool & right skills. Microsoft Power BI is a very powerful tool for this purpose & this course will provide the right skills to achieve these objectives.

In this course, you will learn:

What is data visualization, how to get data in Power BI & flow of creating chart

Data transformation, Data Summarization by Grouping, Joining Data Tables, Creating Calculated Columns, Creating Measures, Calculated Columns vs Measures, Grouping Data Categories, Applying Data Hierarchy

Data visualization using charts like Stacked Column & Bar Charts, Clustered Column & Bar Charts Line Chart, Area & Stacked Area Charts, Pie & Donut Charts, Stacked & Clustered Line Column Combined Charts, Funnel Chart, Waterfall Chart, TreeMap Chart, Scatter Plot Chart, Geographical Maps

Presenting data in tabular format using Table, Matrix Cross-tab & Cards.

Visual Data Slicing & three different mode of filtering

Data Analysis using trend line, constant line, max-min line, average & median line. Forecasting & data clustering.


About arkadmin

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