Most women who get breast cancer do not have any family history of breast cancer. Just because a family member had breast cancer does not always mean that you will get breast cancer. We do know that there are some ...

There is not one cure or treatment for cancer because cancer is not a single disease. The word "cancer" is an umbrella term that includes hundreds of different diseases. Furthermore, cancer is typically harder to battle than infectious disease because ...

Cancer existed long before humans were able to create synthetic substances that cause cancer (cancer-causing agents are called "carcinogens"). Unfortunately, cancer is a natural part of life. Every multicellular creature on earth can get cancer, even in the remotest locations ...

A healthy diet is a diet that helps to maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients, and adequate calories. We often think of diet as a specific weight loss ...

Саnсer is а сlаss оf diseаses сhаrасterized by unсоntrоlled сell grоwth. There аre mоre thаn 100 different tyрes оf саnсer, аnd eасh is сlаssified ассоrding tо the tyрe оf сells thаt аre initiаlly аffeсted. Tumоrs саn grоw аnd disruрt the digestive, ...