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Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam

Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam

Price: $19.99

Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant test series

About the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant Credential

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant program is designed for individuals who have experience configuring Marketing Cloud solutions. The candidate has proven experience with the administration and configuration of Marketing Cloud, as demonstrated through successful completion of the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator exam. This credential is targeted toward the Salesforce consultant or partner who has mastered the implementation of Marketing Cloud by demonstrating design best practices, executing deployment of campaigns, and finalizing custom solutions for customers. The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant is able to meet customer business requirements that are maintainable, scalable, and contribute to long-term customer success.

Audience Description: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant has experience using Marketing Cloud tools in executing both tactical and strategic email campaigns. The consultant knows how to build email marketing campaigns while incorporating different tools such as the content system, segmentation, automation, tracking, and analytics to make data-driven decisions to optimize customer email campaigns. The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant is also able to troubleshoot and solve platform issues.

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant generally has six or more months of implementation experience and/or at least five implementation projects with hands-on experience as a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Solutions Architect or similar expertise implementing Marketing Cloud and associated tools. The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant possesses facilitation and consultative skills at a technical level.

About arkadmin

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