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Everyday Mind Mastery

Everyday Mind Mastery

ราคา: $34.99

Welcome to Everyday Mind Mastery, the leading personal development course on Udemy.

คอร์สเดียวสอนสื่อสารกับโปรแกรมอื่นนานเกิน 75,000 students CURRENTLY enrolled!

ดังนั้น, you might askwhat’s the fuss all about?

ดี, there are two reasons people seem to like it:

1. Students who do this course end up feeling better instantly, and start creating change in their lives instantly, just by applying the simplest of everyday algorithms in their everyday lives. (ใน 10 minutes you will know what I mean.)

2. Students immediately start applying the power of one thing at a time to tackle the mastery of any goal; incrementally, marginally, successively.

You want to become better at parenting? This course can help you.

You want to become a better leader? This course can help you.

You want to have a more successful business? It helps with that too.

ทำไม? ยังไง? จริงๆ?

ใช่, and it’s all about making it as easy as possible, (but no easier!)

ดังนั้น, do you ever ask yourself, “I KNOW I could be doing more with my life, but HOW?”

Let’s face it. You have a busy life with a zillion distractionsand this can lead to a loss of focus, and not getting what you want out of life.

You join the gym in January but by the end of February

The guitar you bought is in the spare room gathering dust

You’ve got a copy of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peopleon your bookshelf, การจำกัดการเข้าถึงบางโฟลเดอร์ know it’s a great book yet you haven’t opened it since 1995

You decided to learn French, และหลังจากนั้น 3 weeks you’ve not got very far and so you decide that maybe Spanish would be better…และ 3 years later you’re still just speaking loud English whenever you go abroad

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Most of the population is in the same boat as you. It’s pretty normal. Only a tiny percentage of the people on the planet have the self-discipline of an Olympic athlete.

And I for one, am certainly not in that group. I don’t have an iron will. I don’t even have a tin will. My will is probably more like cardboard if I’m honest.

Therefore the standard approach to achieving your goals just doesn’t really appeal to me, เนื่องจาก the standard approach involves ME having to change.

The standard approach is basically just ‘have more self-discipline’, just ‘get better’.

That’s why I created a different approach. One that works for me, สำหรับ (เกือบ) all of us. And I didn’t even have to do that much as the great Benjamin Franklin had already done most of the work. I just added a few tweaks, made it even more accessible and added a few thought algorithms to make it even easier to implement.

This approach is to use a system that gets the job done with minimum willpower, this approach involves not having to change.

ดังนั้น, you have two options:

1. Change

2. Be yourself + Use a System

Choose easy. Choose Option 2. Make the smart choice. Take the red pill.

ดังนั้น, instead of increasing our willpower, let’s use a system that works with a minimum amount of will. We’re still going to have to do the work, it’s just that we won’t have to use up any of our energy forcing ourselves to do the work.

I’m not afraid of work. ในความเป็นจริง, none of us are really afraid of work. We’re afraid that we won’t stick at things because that’s what we’ve done in the past. We’re afraid that if we try we might fail, and so after a while, we’d rather not try.

We’re afraid we’re not good enough.

We’re afraid we don’t have enough willpower.

We’re not afraid of doing the work, we’re afraid that our work won’t work!

ดังนั้น, the big question is what’s going to be easier for you?

Carrying on the same way, making resolutions, getting disappointed, giving up on yourself, starting to wonder if you’re ever going to get what you want out of life?

Or using a system that gets it done with minimum willpower.

Get involvedenrol in the course and join nearly 80,000 students who are already finding that there just might be a better way


Oxford Physicist, Internationally Published Author and ‘Thought Engineer’, Tom Cassidy, has created a system for helping people crack the deepest issues of their lives: self-worth, self-belief, goal-achieving, feeling good, achieving sustainable health and deeply fulfilling relationships.

Tom has combined the wisdom of hundreds of years of the study of global philosophies, human effectiveness, modern findings of behavioural science, recent breakthroughs in the understanding of brain physiology and even the results of quantum mechanics into a practical system for getting things done.

The system takes ‘One thing at a timeto a new level: it’s monotasking-on-steroids. และเหนือสิ่งอื่นใด, it requires the least willpower of anything you’ve ever tried. Other than sitting on the couch, แน่นอน!

It’s basically the shizzle is what I’m saying

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