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Increase Brain Power: Neuroscience for Leadership/Management

Increase Brain Power: Neuroscience for Leadership/Management

ราคา: $99.99

Supersizing Intelligence: Neuroscience for Rapid Cognitive and Strategic Growth

Easy-to-follow evidence-backed methods to increase your intelligence within 4 สัปดาห์

Use these Simple, Fast and Effective Intelligence-Building Methods to Meet your Goals for your Career, ศึกษา, Business and Increased Income.

Some recent Reviews:

5 STARS Theo Smith

Very helpful and enlightening tutorial

5 STARS Lili Dost

I really like the course and have learned a lot of valuable information about intelligence.

What Will I Learn?

Discover why and how intelligence is vital to your success, and how to rapidly build your abilities

Learn how to increase your IQ 10-20 points within 4 สัปดาห์, with proven methods

Understand how your intelligence works best individually, and within teams and organizations

See the “Extended” nature of your intelligence, and harness the mind-enhancing tricks that most cognitive workers miss

Understand how to navigate the diverse approaches that promise to increase your cognitive potency

Learn battle-tested techniques for decision-making, problem solving and creative thinking to help you successfully apply your increased IQ

Grasp how to integrate diverse insights into one powerful training system for maximum impact

อย่างไรก็ตาม, PLEASE BE AWARE: to get the พิสูจน์แล้ว 10-20 point IQ GAINS, you must commit to around 20 minutes per day, สำหรับ 21 วัน, of rigorous training. Only if you complete the training will you see the full benefits.


All you need is interest in making the best of your abilities and enthusiasm to learn about success

Would you like a FAST way to uplift your potential in life?

How would you like to learn this from a top instructorwho has published many books, articles and developed award-winning courses?

If you’ve decided that you want to enjoy all the benefits that come with enhanced abilities, เช่น:

· Getting the best out of your intelligence

· Crafting successful new ideas and plans

· Enjoying meeting your long-term goals

then you’ve come to the right Udemy course!

I’ve been teaching for over 25 ปีที่, and in that time, I’ve discovered and created a variety of ways to streamline cognitive training

And now, in this Udemy course, ฉันจะแสดงให้คุณเห็น, เป็นขั้นเป็นตอน, how to use these streamlined methods so YOU can quickly and effectively sharpen your powers and begin achieving your goals as quickly as possible.

ในรายวิชานี้, you will get the following:

* Why IQ and intelligence training is the foundation of so much of what you achieve in life

* We look at some of the causes of long-term success for people like you

* How teams and firms benefit from specialized skills and how you can shine when working with others

* Ways to integrate your best developmental ideas into one powerful model

* My streamlined approach to cognitive training (this is how sharpened my abilities over the last few years)

* I walk you through cognitive training, เป็นขั้นเป็นตอน, so that you understand every stage of the process, and how to maximize your success

* Little-known tips and tricks along the wayI’ll teach you these proven strategies!

ในระยะสั้น, if you want the fastest possible route to Increased Intelligence – backed by scientific researchนี่คือหลักสูตรสำหรับคุณ.

It’s time to get UNSTUCK and move forward with Supersizing Intelligence!

* Stop wasting time with mundane brain training that just doesn’t work

* Stop wondering if you are getting it right or if you are doing something horribly wrong

* Stop procrastinatingit’s time for you to make this happenand with this course, you will move forward rapidly

Your enrolment is backed by Udemy’s 30-day, รับประกันคืนเงิน, so you risk nothing by trying, and you stand to gain a whole new way of working towards long-term success – creating and strategizing new ways to craft strong ideas and insights.

Enrol today and get lifetime access as well as lifetime updates; as I make updates to the course, you will be notified.

As a course member, you can ask questions at any time; I’m excited to help you as you venture through your mind-enhancing process!

Who is the right kind of student for this course?

· Any aspiring personespecially if you want some proven shortcuts to rapidly improved thinking skills.

· Anyone who wants to learn how to rethink cognitive skills to help with school, university or commercial work

· Anyone who believes they can learn from a specialist instructor who has a lifetime’s experience of award-winning course creation and delivery

· You should not take this course if you already have a proven system for superb brain training and development

· You should not take this course if you’d rather figure things out for yourself, even if it might take a lot longer to garner the best insights.

เกี่ยวกับ arkadmin
