While there exists different types of chemical bonds, our focus in this article is to discuss the difference between Ionic and Covalent bonds. The most basic types of chemical bonds can be said to be either ionic or ...

Viruses by themselves don't seem to be alive. they can't grow or multiply on their own and want to enter a personality's or animal cell and take over the cell to assist them multiply. These viruses might also infect microorganism cells. ...

What are Lipids? What are the building blocks of lipids? Questions right? Indeed, a lot of medical students and enthusiast alike admit that understanding lipids has puzzled them for a while. In this article, we will try to break down ...

Frequent Urination, or urinary frequency or Polyuria is that the have to be compelled to urinate a lot of typically than usual. Diuretics are medications which will increase urinary frequency. nocturia is that the would like of frequent voiding at ...

Osteomyelitis is an infection and inflammation of the bone or the bone marrow. It will happen if a microorganism or mycosis enters the bone tissue from the blood, because of injury or surgery. once a bone gets infected, the bone ...

Disinfection and sterilization aren't identical. These words, therefore, aren't interchangeable. Disinfectants like alcohol kill unhealthful (disease causing) microorganisms as well as bacterium. However, there square measure bacterium that square measure immune to disinfectants like spores. Alcohol, as any disinfectant, reduces ...

Gene splicing, conjointly called alternative splicing is a crucial post transcriptional activity within the being organisms. Gene splicing provides a sound experimental basis in support of the multiple proteins per factor theory. Thousands of factors gift in being organisms ...

When we talk about domestic birds, Broilers are considered the weakest in their specie. They need to be carefully and hygienically looked after to avoid losses. Once they get infected or are not properly sheltered their deaths occur in large ...

As poultry farming has already established to be remunerative business, thus you'll be willing to start out a farm for your new supply of financial gain. In broad, poultry farming means that raising numerous forms of domestic birds commercially for ...

Farming is taken into account one in all the world’s high risk jobs, and for good reasons. Although there are several similarities between crop farms and livestock farms, there are some totally different challenges and distinctive experiences with each varieties ...