Cranberry juice is a liquid of cranberry fruit, usually made to contain sugar, water and other fruit juices. Cranberry, a fruit native to North America, is recognized for its bright red color, tart flavor and versatility for making the product. Why Cranberry ...

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed with fats in the diet and are stored in body fat and liver tissues. They are found in many plant and animal products, as well as in food supplements. They are simply vitamins that can dissolve in ...

Differentiating in nutritional benefits when it comes to cow milk vs goat milk is quite dicy, but we can give you the difference between the two diets. Goat's milk is a good source of protein, contains less sugar (lactose), which is ...

Enzymes produced by intestinal bacteria are important in the metabolism of several vitamins. The intestinal microflora synthesizes vitamin K, which is a necessary cofactor in the production of prothrombin and other blood clotting factors. Treatment with antibiotics, particularly in individuals eating ...

Mushrooms are packed with nutritional value. They're low in calories, are great sources of fiber and protein (good for plant-based diets). They also provide many important nutrients, including B vitamins, selenium, potassium, copper, and (particularly when exposed to the sun) vitamin ...

Obesity has negative implications on both physical and emotional health. Cardiovascular disease (such as high blood pressure, abnormal lipid profile, elevated insulin level), type 2 diabetes mellitus, degenerative joint disease and depression are some of the undesirable consequences of obesity. ...