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Living Courage #2 – How to Master Emotional Intelligence

Living Courage #2 – How to Master Emotional Intelligence

ราคา: $74.99

Emotional Intelligence has been shown to be the leading predictor for financial success and health, and the single biggest predictor of performance in the workplace.

There can be a stigma around emotions. We swing fromsuck it up” ถึง “You’re too emotional!” Emotions won’t kill us but not feeling them will. Our fear of emotion can absolutely kill us, because its the numbing of them that kills people everyday. Eric Johnson says, “Future generations are depending on you to come face to face with how you feel.So what do we do with emotions?


How to Master Emotional Intelligence for Living Courage is an e-Course that will radically change your resilience to life.

Previous students have commonly said this second module in the Living Courage series is one of the most enjoyable and beneficial. It is the second foundation stone of building courage as a life style.

This is a safe, sacred place where your learning is yours. Your answers are yours and they are not monitored or recorded in anyway. This is why I ask you to have your own workbook and why I do not not offer an online workbook.

The central purpose of this course is to aid you in developing self awareness and empowerment in a safe, respectful, shame-free space.

Living Courage is a training series consisting of 4 โมดูล. While each module can stand alone and be done as an individual course. The Living Courage series is designed to build onto each other creating a deeper more comprehensive understanding and development of the skills and lifestyle of courage.


~ Anyone who wants more freedom personally or greater opportunities for quality of life, connection with God and others, work place advancement and understanding of the times we are living in.

~ Leadershipessential Professional Development for anyone in Business, HealthCare, การศึกษา, Life Coaching or Faith Communities.

~ Parentshaving used this material in our family, it’s transformed how we do life and fun together


1. This experiential course outlines Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Literacy, explains why it is important in courage and in your personal and professional development

2. Equip you with how to assess and mature in your own confidence, calling and abilities by developing your EI

3. How God values and moves in Emotional Intelligence

4. How to respond from my values rather than reactions I may regret later


The objective of this course is to equip you with:

1. Developing and moving you towards mastering insight and skills in Emotional Intelligence

2. Building strong values and skills in Emotional Literacy

3. Engaging short videos interspersed with self evaluation tasks supported by downloadable practical exercises and other resources to help you revise and consolidate the learning. This course is based on a set of learnable skills. It is Biblically based and backed up by a huge body of research.

4. คุณจะสามารถสร้างโปรแกรมที่มีประสิทธิภาพและจะอยู่ในรายชื่อคู่แข่งของโปรแกรมเมอร์ที่ดีในอุตสาหกรรมไอทีนี้, you will have a clear understanding of Emotional Intelligence and Courage, what is required and how to maintain movement, courage and breakthrough in your life and destiny.

5. More confident in your decisions, faith, ความเป็นผู้นำ, parenting and work place relationships.


God is an emotional being! We don’t get too far into the Bible and God demonstrates an array of emotions. The Scriptures speak to us of the emotional journey and emotional challenge living faith is. One of the most needed spiritual gifts in this day, is discernment. What if we are a ‘feelerand discern through feelings? We are not going to understand ourselves or this gifting if we do not grow in Emotional Intelligence.

I don’t believe its possible to reach the fullness of our relationship with God and others, to move with maturity in spiritual gifts or progress as far as we desire in our professional lives and cultures without Emotional Intelligence. We are not going to build strong healthy counter culture faith communities without it because life and people are emotional. Communities as with individuals, self destruct under the weight of our complex, demanding world without developing their EI.


This course features easily learned elements supported by practical exercises, all clearly explained by Helen Goatley, Instructor and Consultant.

Helen brings a background in Education to her work which is based on over 20 years experience of helping and inspiring people in many different settings and cultures internationally.

Living Courage is sourced from Anthropological and Sociological research. This is a training course and NOT a Counselling course. It can be helpful for anyone in Life Coaching and the Health Care Sector.

If during this course you come into a deeper awareness of your life journey. We encourage you to courageously seek out the professional help you need to succeed further and bravely own your story and destiny. People who do this are heroes and champions.

What’s OK and What is not OK?

It is OK to do this course and use all worksheets with others in your Leadership or Staffing teams, friendship groups or Church groups. We ask that each group member pay for the course themselves. We live by a core value of honor and this is a way to honor the work of the Author and yourself as a learner. We value what we sacrifice for. สำหรับฉัน, this is a means of income and a way of supporting the work so I can continue in it. แบ่งปัน, เรียนรู้, grow and change the world you live in!

It is NOT OK to use any part of this course or it’s materials for commercial use. You can not sell it, sell training based on it or create a website redistributing this course or any material from it.

If you are interested in going after more, consider doing another course in this Living Courage Series or our Experiencing the Presence of God Series. Professional Consultations are also available by contacting Helen

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