The University Of Sheffield Scholarships For Prospective International Students From Africa
Over the years, The University Of Sheffield have continued to offer scholarships for prospective international students. African students are not left out of this amazing offer. Scholars Ark gathered some facts from the university’s website pertaining scholarship offer for prospective international students from Africa. Here they are:
Choose your study level and find out more about the scholarships available to you:
Undergraduate degree scholarships eg BA, BSc, BEng, MEng
We offer a range of scholarships for undergraduate students including 50 scholarships worth 50% of your tuition fees and a 10% tuition fee discount.
Postgraduate masters degree scholarships eg MA, MSc
We offer a range of scholarships for postgraduate students including 100 scholarships worth 25% of your tuition fees and a 10% tuition fee discount. -
Postgraduate research degree scholarships eg PhD, MPhil
There are a range of research studentships and funding available.
External sources of funding
External sources of funding
There are also a number of external organisations that offer scholarships and funding to international students who wish to study in the UK.
We believe in rewarding international applicants who show exceptional academic achievement and potential.
Choose your study level and find out more about the scholarships available to you:
Undergraduate degree scholarships eg BA, BSc, BEng, MEng
We offer a range of scholarships for undergraduate students including 50 scholarships worth 50% of your tuition fees and a 10% tuition fee discount.
Postgraduate masters degree scholarships eg MA, MSc
We offer a range of scholarships for postgraduate students including 100 scholarships worth 25% of your tuition fees and a 10% tuition fee discount.
Postgraduate research degree scholarships eg PhD, MPhil
There are a range of research studentships and funding available.
External sources of funding
External sources of funding
There are also a number of external organisations that offer scholarships and funding to international students who wish to study in the UK.
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