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Motivation Mastery: Become Unstoppable & Crush Your Goals

Motivation Mastery: Become Unstoppable & Crush Your Goals

Price: $94.99

‘I’ll do it tomorrow.’ is what I told myself over and over again..

Like most people, I used to have these amazing plans for my life. I wanted to start a business, build six-pack abs, earn more money, learn new skills – but I never had the consistent motivation to make my goals a reality.

Yet, I always had ‘some‘ motivation. It wasn’t like I had none at all..

Regularly I had series of a couple of days (sometimes weeks) in a row, where I was highly motivated and did everything right. I’d feel unstoppable.. Killing my workouts, eating healthy and working hard on my goals.

Every time again I thought I’d finally reached a point in my life where ‘things‘ would be ‘different‘ from now on – only to be confronted by the harsh reality when I’d fall back into ‘laziness‘ and full-time procrastination again.

I felt really bad about myself.. I thought I was lazy, a failure – and unworthy of success.

But that was the past… Now, things are ENTIRELY different.


I’ve been able to create a system’ through which I am consistently motivated to work on my goals & habits, which has enabled me to build a profitable online business, improve my health & fitness, earn more money, beat procrastination and increase my sense of self-worth and confidence.

In Motivation Mastery I’ll share with you the exact steps, strategies and habits that I’ve implemented in my life to stop procrastinating, to feel ‘naturally’ motivated – and to make things like hard work, studying and exercising an automatic and internal part of my life.

Mastering the art and science of motivation is one of those essential skills that will propel you towards a heavily improved life – just like it did for my life.

But unfortunately, too many people are unaware that mastering your motivation is essential for success in any area of life, so they never even bother studying the topic – leaving them frustrated, confused and limiting their results in life..

Luckily, as you’re reading this page, you aren’t one of those people – and that’s why I can’t wait to share these principles with you!


In Motivation Mastery, you’ll learn exactly:

  • How to stop procrastinating once and for all
  • How to generate consistent motivation to crush ANY of your goals (whether it’s losing weight, building muscle mass, improving your grades, starting/growing a business or getting a promotion)
  • How to set up a fool-proof ‘motivation’ system that prevents you from falling back into ‘laziness’ or procrastination
  • How to make motivation ‘internal’, so that it becomes an automatic and effortless part of your life.

Furthermore, you’ll learn:

  • The 3-Step Formula For Instant Motivation
  • The 2 Types of Motivation (And The More Powerful One)
  • The 3 Main Reasons For Procrastination To Kick In (And How To Beat It)
  • How 90% of People Fall In The Trap of ‘Subtle’ Procrastination
  • How The ’15-Minute’ Exercise Is The Cure To Stop Procrastinating
  • The 7 Sources of External Motivation
  • How Your Direct Environment (Such As Your Home, Office AND Your Friends) Either Motivates or Demotivates You
  • How Books, Video’s and Music Can Be Part of A Motivated Lifestyle
  • How To Use Social Media As Motivation Instead of a Distraction
  • Why an ‘Accountability Partner‘ Will Help You Succeed
  • Why You Should NEVER Work Where You Relax or Relax Where You Work
  • The Power of Neuro-Associations On Your Level of Motivation (How It Controls You and How You Can Control It)
  • Why You Should Get Control Over Your ‘State’ If You Want To Achieve Your Goals
  • The 3 Easiest Ways To Get Into ‘Peak Performance State
  • How Your Breath Can Generate Energy To Work Hard (Bio-Hacking)
  • How ‘Pain’ and ‘Pleasure’ Drives EVERY Single Decision You Make
  • How Different Types of Fears Determine Our Motivation Level (Very Common!)
  • How To Overcome Fears That Are Holding You Back (You May Not Even Be Aware of This)
  • Why ‘The Rocking Chair Test’ Is A Must-Do Exercise If You Don’t Want To End Up With Regret
  • How The ‘6 Basic Human Needs’ Regulate Our Motivation
  • How Our Past Identity Will Resist Towards Our New Life (aka The Blindspot) and How To Overcome This
  • How To Use The Power of Goal-Setting To Give Us Clarity and Motivation
  • How To Identify Limiting Belief Systems That Have Been Forced Upon You Because of Social Conditioning (This Will Change Your Life!)
  • How To Create a ‘Mantra’ That Will Instill Confidence, Motivation and Energy Wherever and Whenever You Are
  • How To Use Habits To Make Motivation ‘Effortless & Automatic’
  • How To Build Strong Habits for Success
  • What The ‘Habit Loop’ Is
  • Why A Morning Routine Is ESSENTIAL For A Motivated Lifestyle
  • How Affirmations & Visualizations Will Prime You For A Productive & Successful Day
  • The 4 Health Habits That Will Give You Unlimited Energy To Work On Your Goals
  • The 3 Productivity Habits That Will Make You More Efficient and Help You To Achieve Your Career Goals Faster Than Ever
  • How This 21-Day Challenge Will Change Your Life
  • More, more & more…

Whether your goal is losing weight, building muscle mass, starting/growing a business, getting a promotion or improving your grades – the process of motivation works exactly the same. By mastering your motivation, you’ll be able to achieve ANY goal you set for yourself. You’ll be in full control over your mind, which means you’ll be in full control over your consistent level of effort – which is the #1 factor in achieving success of ANY kind.


So, when you are ready to say goodbye to procrastination and say hello to an improved life with more achievements, impact and fulfillment, I’d love to see you on the inside of Motivation Mastery!

To Your Personal Growth,

Jari Roomer

Founder Personal Growth Lab

Ps. You’ll get a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee on this course, so there is literally no-risk involved. See you on the inside!

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