The 2020 Tokyo Olympics could be delayed due to fears of the coronavirus
The games are scheduled to be held in Tokyo this summer and could be postponed until later this year, the Japanese Olympic minister said at a parliamentary meeting on the occasion of the Coronavirus outbreak. But according to the BBC, organizers are making every effort to get the games on schedule in the summer.
The new coronavirus, first seen in Wuhan, China, infected more than 92,000 people late last year and killed more than 3,000 people on every continent except Antarctica. Most of the covid-19 cases caused by coronavirus are in mainland China.
But while the number of new cases in China is slowing, there has been a recent surge in cases in dozens of other countries, including in South Korea, Iran and Italy. The number of infections in Japan is much lower compared to the thousands of these hot spots. Even so, the virus is believed to spread in the country.
As of Tuesday (March 3), some 283 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Japan.According to the latest data from the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 dashboard, this number includes 43 people who have recovered and 6 people who died there.
The Summer Olympics will be held from 24 July to 8 August. “We are doing everything we can to make sure the games are going as planned,” Seiko Hashimoto, Japan’s Olympic minister, said at a parliamentary meeting, according to the BBC.
The contract between Tokyo and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) believes that the Olympic Games will be held in 2020 year. This”can be interpreted as permission to delay” until later this year, Mr. Hashimoto said.
But the decision to cancel will ultimately come down to the commission. The IOC Executive Committee met in Switzerland on Tuesday, 3 March. The board of directors, in a statement, wrote that it stated ” fully committed to the success of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics held from July 24th to August 9th.”
The board members noted that they had established a task force to monitor coronavirus related to the Olympic Games, involving the International Olympic Committee, organizers Tokyo 2020, the city of Tokyo, the government of Japan and the World Health Organization. The commission also encourages athletes to continue preparing for competitions, according to the BBC.
According to the BBC, other sports events to be held in China, such as the World Indoor Athletics Championships and the Chinese Grand Prix, have been cancelled or postponed.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the US State Department has placed Japan under the “alert” of Level 2 travel, which means people should”implement enhanced precautions”when considering travel there. Seniors and those with chronic diseases should consider delaying unnecessary travel,”the department wrote.
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