Virtual Classrooms at GIIS are transformative
The Global School Foundation has fully adopted this new educational approach with virtual classrooms on its campus which gets its entire 15,000 cohort onboard, successfully delivering online education at the time when Covid-19 was created in the education sector.
Students from the campuses in Singapore, India, Malaysia and Japan will or will already have 100% virtual classrooms at home, while the GSF school in the UAE will join soon.
Students have their daily courses delivered online, in a similar way in the actual classroom, and interact with teachers and peers through their devices. “For our young students, this is a moment to change education, they are experiencing the emergence of a new method of learning and teaching,” Mr Temurnikar noted in a video message sent to GIIS parents and students in Singapore, when the corona virus had caused most schools to close.
With scalable technology available in all GSF smart schools,face-to-face teacher student interaction is now fully expanded and can be applied to thousands of students at the same time. Mr. Temurnikar said: “while the physical ecosystem of upper morning and evening tuition is under the clouds, parents can now choose more schools from different cities, many different countries and tuition to see which students are best suited for them,” said Mr. Temurnikar.
Mobile phones are already students ‘ best friends and now, mobile phones will be the new king to bring classroom experience to their mobile phones. Therefore, parents will not have to weigh up and down. GSF virtual classroms also take a completely new level of safety, not just having to comply with fire and safety, including occupational injury hazards on campus, have a common and certified system and process benchmarking to best standards, and have a proven track record. “We thought a few years ago when our GIIS school was actually caught up in the wrath of the tsunami in March 2011, exactly 9 years ago, which led to how we could make our school run even in a force majeure situation.
He added:”the mental health and safety of students is now placed at the top of the list, and personal experience is used to ensure that cases are prepared to handle to minimize disruption in learning.” As school education is also impacted, GSF has established an international response centre (IRC) for all campuses and acted quickly to reduce the impact of GIIS and OWIS students. “Our teams in Japan, Singapore, UAE, India and Malaysia have taken steps to make the school run smoothly and take appropriate precautions.” Every parent from every campus receives a message about the help desk details and procedures they need to follow to clear their concerns about the virtual classroom and technical failures. Aware of the concerns of parents about the growing threat of COVID-19, he expressed the school’s responsibility and responsibility to ease their doubts. Mr. Temurnikar listed the measures taken by GSF for Covid, saying that all the authorities ‘ guidelines were enforced in our schools. “Every day, all campus procedures are reviewed, such as disinfection of premises, temperature-taking activities, provision of masks and implementation of safety isolation measures.” “Personal hygiene needs to be a top priority for all, as well as following mandatory and recommended guidelines-including staying at home, one meter away rules, etc. For those who need to do this,”he noted. Mr. Temurnikar said that by continuing to make highly selective digital technology part of our facilities and making digital tools part of the next generation learning process, GSF ensures we adopt a new approach to teaching and learning. “Our virtual classrooms are examples of GSF’s vision, and their usefulness has been proven at this important time.”
The GSF also announced the GIIS Resilience2020 scholarship, which will support students from families whose cash flow is likely to be affected. “In these tough times, financial difficulties may befall some people, which is why GSF has several scholarships,” he added.” He also urged parents and teachers to spend time teaching the resilience of the younger generation in these difficult times. “As elders, it is our responsibility to keep our new generation mentally, physically and psychologically strong. This will help make them responsible citizens.”
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